IAS 2024 colloquium at ICD: state of play and new fields of social auditing

On May 23rd and 24th, 2024, ICD Business School was honored to host the 25th Spring University of the Institut de l'Audit Social (IAS). The conference, entitled "Les nouveaux habits de l'audit social : État des lieux et nouveaux champs", brought together social audit researchers and practitioners to reflect on the challenges and prospects for the future.

Let's take a look back at this landmark event for our school and academic community.

25th IAS

The importance of conferences for ICD Business School

A colloquium is a scientific meeting where academic experts gather to exchange knowledge and debate topics related to their research. For a school like ICD Business School, hosting such an event is an opportunity for both research and students, who are offered a chance to meet authors active on the subject.

A summary of the IAS 2024 conference

The IAS 2024 symposium began with a welcome for participants, followed by a series of round tables and workshops led by social auditing specialists. Discussions covered topics such as well-being in the workplace, skills management, ethics, the impact of digitization on work, etc.

The second day consisted of in-depth workshops, ending with a summary of the proceedings and the official closing of the event.

The contribution of the IAS symposium to our school and students

The symposium strengthened the ties between IAS and ICD Business School. By hosting this event, our school demonstrated its commitment to innovation and academic excellence in the field of social auditing.


The success of the IAS 2024 conference at ICD Business School is proof of our commitment to remaining at the heart of academic and professional developments. We are proud of our school's contribution to the development of social auditing. See you next year for new discoveries and enriching exchanges!